You can turn on or turn off electric devices such as water pumps, lights control, reboot computers and many more devices.
The hardware is equipped with a feedback switch from your remote electric device.
The hardware is based on Arduino nano and ENC28J60 ethernet module. It can be found on my website
This application works with 'Network relay' hardware that is published on my web site
With that circuit you can control electric lamps, electric motors, heating system thermostats, reboot computers and many more electrical devices.
Moreover, that circuit is equipped with an isolated feedback switch to inform you about the status of your electrical device (ON or OFF). This is ideal for you to know if your electrical device started (or stopped) after you sent the start/stop command.
A second example: Supposing that you start a water pump to fill a tank with water. When the water reaches the high water in tank, the level switch will be activated and the circuit will send you a feedback. That feedback will colour in green the Switch indication and write 'ON' on it.
As you can see the applications of this circuit are unlimited!